An Evening in Conversation with Michael Ball

An Evening in Conversation with Michael Ball

Ladies and gentlemen, take your seats and join theatre royalty Michael Ball as he graces the stage like never before to celebrate the release of his first ever memoir, Different Aspects.

Divulging the pitfalls and pratfalls of modern theatre, join Michael live in conversation and step into the world of a West End icon. From the stage fright that threatened his career, rising to fame in 1989 after landing the lead role in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Aspects of Love, from which came his smash hit song Love Changes Everything to the romance found with his long-term partner Cathy McGowan, enjoy untold anecdotes from behind the curtain on what promises to be a very special evening.

Like all brilliant nights at the theatre, you can expect laughter, tears and an abundance of heart. Don’t miss your chance to see this West End star in a whole new light.

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An Evening in Conversation with Michael Ball