A Night in with Natalie and Naomi Evans

A Night in with Natalie and Naomi Evans

Join founders of the anti-racist advocacy and platform Everyday Racism, Natalie and Naomi Evans in conversation with Sofia Akel as they celebrate the paperback publication of their book The Mixed-Race Experience: Reflections and Revelations on Multicultural Identity.

The event will initially be broadcast on 30 October at 6.30pm UK time. It will be available to view up to two weeks after the event has ended and can be accessed Worldwide. If you live in a time zone that does not suit the initial broadcast time you can watch it at any point after the initial showing for two weeks.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

In 2020, a video of Natalie Evans confronting two men racially abusing a ticket conductor went viral. It was in the aftermath of this event that Natalie and her sister Naomi decided to become founders of the anti-racist platform Everyday Racism. The intention behind the account was to share stories from Black and Brown people about their everyday experiences of racism in the UK. Since the growth of the platform, Natalie and Naomi have designed educational resources dedicated to teaching others how to be actively anti-racist.

In their book The Mixed-Race Experience, Natalie and Naomi have collated their own personal experiences growing up in Britain alongside interviews from people with mixed backgrounds and in mixed relationships. Both in the book and for this virtual event, Natalie and Naomi help us all to deepen our awareness and commitment to allyship. Make sure you tune into this event.

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A Night in with Natalie and Naomi Evans