A Night In with Joe Tracini

A Night In with Joe Tracini

Join actor and social media star Joe Tracini as he delivers a frank and frequently laugh-out-loud funny account of living with Borderline Personality Disorder to mark the publication of Ten Things I Hate About Me.

Hi. I hope you're ok.

My name's Joe, and I have one job, every day: don't kill myself.

I live with a complex mental illness called Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

15% of people with BPD die by suicide, and 40% try. I'm already in the 40%. My job is to keep out of the 15%.

In this event I want to try and explain what life is like when you have a brain that is essentially trying to murder you every day. I’ll be sharing the funny, sad, shocking and weird stuff that has happened to me along the way. If there is even the smallest chance that me telling you how I live with me helps you live with you, and opens up a space for you to be more honest about your mental health, it will be worth it. Join me!

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A Night In with Joe Tracini